Browsing by Author Sharma, Neha

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Showing results 8 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Effect of Substitutional Doping on Temperature Dependent Electrical Parameters of Amorphous Se-Te SemiconductorsSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Dheeraj; Sharma, Vineet; Barman, P.B.; Katyal, S.C.; Sharma, Pankaj; Hazra, S. K.
2014Effect of Te on Linear and Non-linear Optical Properties of New Quaternary Ge-Se-Sb-Te Chalcogenide GlassesSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Katyal, S.C.; Sharma, Vineet; Sharma, Pankaj
2012Evaluation of Physical Parameters for New Quaternary Ge19-yse63.8sb17.2tey Chalcogenide GlassesSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Vineet; Sharma, Pankaj
2014Expression Analysis of Key Genes for Picroside-I Production in in vitro Grown Shoots of Different Genotypes and Species of Endangered Herb PicrorhizaSharma, Neha; Shitiz, Kirti; Kalia, Disha; Ahuja, Jasleen Kaur; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh; Sood, Hemant
2013Glass transition and crystallization kinetics analysis of Sb–Se–Ge chalcogenide glassesSharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Neha; Sharma, Pankaj; Sharma, Vineet
2021In Vitro Production of Medicinal Compunds from Endangered and Commercially Important Medicinal PlantSharma, Neha; Sood, Hemant
2015An insight into conflux of metabolic traffic leading to picroside-I biosynthesis by tracking molecular time course changes in a medicinal herb, Picrorhiza kurroaKumar, Varun; Sharma, Neha; Shitiz, Kirti; Singh, Tiratha Raj; Tandon, Chanderdeep; Sood, Hemant; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh
2017Investigation of Morphogenetic Differences and Seaweed Extract Stimulated Increase in Biomass and Picroside-I Content in Picrorhiza SpeciesSharma, Neha; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2010Isolation and Characterisation of Endophytes from Picrorhiza kurroaMahajan, Aayushi; Sharma, Neha; Chauhan, R.S. [Guided by]
2013New Quaternary Sb-Se-Ge-In Chalcogenide Glasses: Linear and Nonlinear Optical PropertiesSharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Neha; Sharma, Pankaj; Sharma, Vineet
2015NGS Transcriptomes and Enzyme Inhibitors Unravel Complexity of Picrosides Biosynthesis in Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex. BenthShitiz, Kirti; Sharma, Neha; Pal, Tarun; Sood, Hemant; Chauhan, Rajinder S.
2018On the optical study of Pb additive Se-Te-Ge nanocrystalline quaternary alloysSharma, Neha; Patialb, Balbir Singh; Sharma, Pankaj; Thakur, Nagesh
2013Physical, Structural, Thermal and Optical Properties of Ternary and Quaternary Chalcogenide Glassy SemiconductorsSharma, Neha; Sharma, Pankaj [Guided by]; Sharma, Vineet [Guided by]
2015Seaweed extract as a novel elicitor and medium for mass propagation and picroside-I production in an endangered medicinal herb Picrorhiza kurroaSharma, Neha; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh; Sood, Hemant
2013Stability Analysis of IV-V-VI Chalcogenide Glasses Using Glass Transition and Crystallization TemperatureSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Vineet; Sharma, Pankaj
2014Thermal analysis of quaternary Ge–Se–Sb–Te chalcogenide alloysSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Vineet; Sharma, Pankaj