Browsing by Author Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]

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Showing results 17 to 36 of 58 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Home Automation Through Internet of Things IoTVerma, Kritika; Sharma, Shreya; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2018Home Automation Using IoT and Node MCUJaswal, Akriti ;Katnoria, Stuti; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2024Human Face Generation Using GanWalia, Vaibhav; Bhardwaj, Aditya; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2019Identification and Removal of DDOS Attack in IoTChhabra, Hardik; Sehgal, Nishant; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Identity and Access Management Solutions (IAM)Anthwal, Angima; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2015Implementation of Anonymous Authentication in CloudGupta, Shubhanshu; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2016Intelligent Synthesis and Real time Response using Massive Streaming of Heterogeneous DataGautam, Lavanya; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2017Interaction of Internet of Things with Social NetworksSinghal, Shruti; Bhatia, Hima; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Internship ReportSingh, Prakhar; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2021Internship Report at Paxcom India Pvt. Ltd.Gupta, Ashish; Vasishta, Pallavi; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Internship Report on Save++, an Income Tax CalculatorDubey, Apurva; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Internship Report on Smart Pos and Smart Self-checkout Ios AppSingh, Varun; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2021Internship Report Training offered by CognizantBhargava, Shantanu; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2018IoT based Home Automation using Raspberry piKakkar, Sahil; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2018IoT Based Smart Energy Meter Using ARDUINO AVR and Node MCUGarg, Lavanya ;Sharma, Charul; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2021Lane Detection with Deep LearningAgrawal, Aryan; Galav, Ashmit; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2015Learning from Personal Data Collected on Mobile DevicesMittal, Ankita; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2024Media Forgery DetectionAnubhav; Nayak, Abhiav; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Medicinal Drug Recommendation SystemAggarwal, Deepti; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Mobile Banking App Development and TestingDhamija, Jeet; Dutta, Siddhartha [Guided by]; Shrivastva, Saurabh [Guided by]; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]