Browsing by Author Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]

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Showing results 41 to 58 of 58 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Patent Network AnalysisRana, Ajay; Kamboj, Anmol; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Plant Disease DetectionKanwar, Sanya; Gupta, Stuti; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Plant Disease Detection using Machine LearningSharma, Vaibhav; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Platform for Users to Pool Money and Pay CollectivelyVerma, Simran; Khan, Nafis Uddin [Guided by]; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Product Brand Store Web APIThakur, Shivansh; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2022Semantic Data AnalysisTewari, Tejaswee; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Skill Sprint Web ApplicationJaiswal, Ansh; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2021Smart Attendance Marking System Using Face RecognitionSharma, Abhinav; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2020Social and Network Analysis of Tweets from Twitter sentiment analysisThakur, Anshul; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2023Social Media Analytics for Business Decision MakingTyagi, Ajay; Srivastava, Devbrat; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2015Social Media In Disaster Management SystemVerma, Rohit; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2021Software Development Engineer in Test Internship at Cognizant Technology SolutionsSharma, Tarun Kumar; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2020Stock Market Prediction Using MLAgarwal, Dhairya; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2020Store Item Demand ForecastingSharma, Joshita; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2015To Analyze the Data and Intent of the User and Purpose of Online CommunicationRaghuvanshi, Manu; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2017To Design Tamper Resistant Hardware Based Embedded SystemChauhan, Aishwarya; Kaur, Mansimran Preet; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2020Track My Meal Welness Android ApplicationSharma, Asmita; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]
2024Web3 Crowdfunding PlatformSharma, Tanvi; Goel, Geetali; Verma, Ruchi [Guided by]