Browsing by Author Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 52  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Air Traffic Control and MonitoringGuleria, Swastik; Sinha, Parush Kumar; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2017Automated Puzzle Solver Using Image ProcessingMalhotra, Himanshu; Jain, Hitesh; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2021Automation TestingJain, Saurabh; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2021Automation Testing Using UFTSharma, Nikhil; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2023Child Care Service Application for iOS DevicesSharma, Rijul; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]; Khan, Nafis Uddin [Guided by]
2023Content Management System for BlogsSaigal, Shivansh; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2024Crop Monitoring SystemBhopal, Anmol; Sharma, Anmol; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2023Data Transfer using TCP Socket Over HTTP ApplicationBhandari, Kunal S; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2019Design an Expert System for Tourism and MigrationRana, Sahil; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2010Designing a Framework for Enhancing Information SecurityKumar, Anil; Sharma, Anil; Bagga, Deepak; Negi, Rohit; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2014Designing a Suite to Implement Compression and Security Algorithms for Data and ImageGupta, Shaini; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2013Designing a Tool for Mutation TestingKumar, Pawan; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2023Developing an Approach for Scheduling of IoT Application Tasks in Fog ComputingKumar, Deepanshu; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2013Developing an Efficient Query Processing SystemSahi, Mansi; Sharma, Jivesh; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2013Developing an Inventory Control System using BarcodeMalhotra, Navdha; Goyal, Mehak; Gupta, Diksha; Dixit, Ranjana; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2024Developing Cloud Based Secure Data Monitoring SystemSharma, Surbhit; Sharma, Akshat; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2023Developing Deep Learning-based Prediction Model for Obesity in ChildhoodSingh, Nandini; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2021Developing Privacy Preservation and Authentication Schemes for Secure Vehicle to Vehicle Communication in Vehicular NetworksTandon, Righa; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2023Developing Repository of User-centric Tools using FossSingh, Prishita; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]
2024Developing Web Based Course Recommender System for Enhancing Performance of StudentsSingh, Thakur Uday; Singh, Jai; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]