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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Analysis of Diosgenin Content and Pharmacological Exploration of Endangered Medicinal Herb-Trillium Govanianum (Nag Chhatri)Sharma, Shivam; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh [Guided by]
2021Analysis of Various Market Research Services With Special Focus on Title Generation Through Use CasesArora, Kirti; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2017Anti-fertility Studies of Hydroalcoholic Rhizome Extract of Trillium Govanianum in Female RatsSharma, Parul; Jaggi, Kritika; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2015Biodiversity and Conservation of Dactylorhiza Hatagirea (D. Don) Soo, from Trans-Himalayan Ladakh Region of IndiaWarghat, Ashish R.; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2013Biology of Picroside-I & Picroside-II Biosynthesis in a Medicinal Herb Picrorhiza Kurroa Royle EX BenthPandit, Saurabh; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2016Biosynthetic Machinery of Iridoid Glycosides- the Major Pharmacological Components of a Medicinal Herb Picrorhiza Kurroa Royle EX. BenthShitiz, Kirti; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh [Guided by]; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2020Cell Culture Technologies for the Production of Bioactive Compounds from Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. of Trans-Himalayan Ladakh RegionKapoor, Sahil; Chaurasia, Om Prakash [Guided by]; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2016Characterization of the Antilithiatic Proteins from Terminalia Arjuna and Evaluation of their Cytoprotective Role on Oxalate Induced Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell InjuryMittal, Amisha; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Tandon, Chanderdeep [Guided by]
2021Computational Analysis in Podophyllum Species and Scientific Validation of Medicinal and Aromatic PlantsSrivastava, Utkarsha; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2017Deciphering Biosynthetic Machinery of Podophyllotoxin Anticancer Metabolite of Podophyllum hexandrum RoyleKumar, Pawan; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh [Guided by]; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2010Development of Cost Effective Micropropagation Technology for Apple RootstocksBhatt, Anu; Kansal, Shubhi; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2016Development of Tissue Culture Conditions and Molecular Characterization of Valeriana JatamansiBehl, Medhavi; Verma, Vasudha; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2018Differential Proteomic Analysis for Identifying Proteins Involved in the Biosynthesis of Picroside-I and Picroside-II from Picrorhiza Kurroa: an endangered medicinal herbSud, Amit; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Tandon, Chanderdeep [Guided by]
2018Discerning Regulatory Control of Picrosides Biosynthesis in a Medicinal Herb, Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex. BenthVashisht, Ira; Chauhan, Rajinder Singh [Guided by]; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2019Effect of Different Growth Hormones and In-vitro Propagation of Stevia rebaudiana and Quantification of Secondary MetabolitesSingh, Anubhavi; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2021Effect of Homemade Biocompost and Bioenzymes for Growing Exotic VegetablesYukti; Maheshwari, Khushi; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2023Effect of Potting Mixtures on Invitro Raised Plantlets of Picrorhiza kurroaMishra, Ragini; Chetry, Swetam; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2024Effect of Surface Wetting Characterstics on Phytochemical Production in Tissue Cultured Plants of Gentiana KurrooPuri, Naina; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Sharma, Poonam [Guided by]
2023Effects of Acoustic Waves on Growth, Development and Phytochemicals Contents of in Vitro Raised Picrorhiza KurroaMishra, Amrita; Shikhu; Sharma, Poonam [Guided by]; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2023Effects of Acoustic Waves on the Growth, Development and Phytochemical Contents of In Vitro Raised Swertia ChirayitaSwalpanaa; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Sharma, Poonam [Guided by]