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Showing results 4246 to 4265 of 11458 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Electronic Health Records Using BlockchainSharma, Rohit; Kumar, Amit [Guided By]
2023Electronic Records Hospitals on Block chainJain, Harsh; Modi, Praveen [Guided by]
2021Electronic Voting Application Powered by Blockchain TechnologyRathee, Rathee; Saini, Hemraj
2009Electronically tunable low-voltage mixed-mode universal biquad filterMaheshwari, S.; Singh, S.V.; Chauhan, D.S.
2006Electronics Engineering (for UPTU)Kulshreshtha, D.C.
2024Electronics II (20MS1MA111) T-1 September, 2024 (Sem-3) PMS-
2024Electronics-II (24MS3PH301) T-2 October, 2024 (Sem-3) M.Sc. Physics-
2017Elicitation of Dactylorhin-E and studying anticancerous potential of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D.Don)Popli, Devanshi; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]
2018Elicitation of Salidroside Under Tissue Culture Conditions in the Transhimalayan Plant Rhodiola ImbricataKad, Anaida ;Pundir, Archit; Sood, Hemant[Guided by]
2015Eliciting User Preferences Based on Online GameMittal, Reema; Kumar, Arvind [Guided by]
2015Eliciting User Preferences through an Online GameChansoria, Pallavi; Kumar, Arvind [Guided by]
2017Elucidation of Genes Responsible for Quorum Sensing in Cronobacter SakazakiiSharma, Abhay; Goel, Gunjan [Guided by]
2016Email Security and Text SummarizationPruthi, Tanvi; Mohana, Rajni [Guided by]
2008An Embedded Platform for GSM-CDMA Controlled Surveillance RobotDhawan, Puneet; Prasad, Anupam; Bhooshan, Sunil V. [Guided by]
2008Embedded Platform for GSMCDMA Controlled Surveillance RobotDhawan, Puneet; Prasad, Anupam; Sharma, Rohit [Guided by]
2018Embedded System Design (18B1WEC735) T-1 September, 2018 (Sem-7) B. Tech-
2018Embedded System Design (18B1WEC735) T-2 October, 2018 (Sem-7) B.Tech-
2019Embedded System Design (18B1WEC735) T-2 October, 2019 (Sem-7)-
2018Embedded System Design (18B1WEC735) T-3 December, 2018 (Sem-7) B.Tech-
2022Embedded System Design (19B1WEC635) T-1 February, 2022 (Sem-6) B. Tech. (ECE)-