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Showing results 4266 to 4285 of 11876 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Effect of quercetin on micellization behaviour of Tween-20 in hydro-ethanolic solvent system: An electrolyte induced thermodynamic studyAbbot, Vikrant; Sharma, Poonam
2013Effect of quercetin on micellization behaviour of Tween-20 in hydro-ethanolic solvent system: An electrolyte induced thermodynamic studyAbbot, Vikrant; Sharma, Poonam
2014Effect of Salicylic Acid on the Activity of PAL and PHB Geranyltransferase and Shikonin Derivatives Production in Cell Suspension Cultures of Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst—a Medicinally Important Plant SpeciesKumar, Pawan; Saini, Mahak; Saini, Mahak; Warghat, Ashish R.; Malhotra, Nikhil; Sood, Archit
2020Effect of Salinity Stress on Lipid Accumulation in Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp.: Feasibility of Stepwise CultuGour, Rakesh Singh; Garlapati, Vijay Kumar; Kant, Anil
2020Effect of Shikonin on Growth of Aspergillus FlavusKaur, Jasdeep; Thakur, Bandana; Shankar, Jata[Guided by]
2016Effect of Silica Fume and Recycled Coarse Aggregate in ConcreteSonkhla, Prateek; Gautam, Chandra Pal [Guided by]
2011Effect of Sn Addition on Physical Properties of Se-te Glassy SemiconductorsKumar, Rajneesh; Sharma, P.; Sharma, Pankaj
2017Effect of Steel Fibres on Properties of ConcreteNadda, Shubham; Mehta, Shubham; Gautam, Chandra Pal [Guided by]
2016Effect of Stone Dust Admixture on Strength of SoilThakur, Karan; Bahl, Karan; Gupta, Ashok Kumar [Guided by]
2014Effect of Stone Dust Admixture on Strength Of SoilGoyal, Arpit; Thakur, Neeraj; Gupta, Ashok Kumar [Guided by]; Kumar, Ashish [Guided by]
2015Effect of Stream-wise Spacing of Bridge Pier on Local Scour Depth of Circular Piers A ProjectKumar, Parveen; Kumar, Ashish [Guided by]
2013Effect of Substitutional Doping on Temperature Dependent Electrical Parameters of Amorphous Se-Te SemiconductorsSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Sharma, Dheeraj; Sharma, Vineet; Barman, P.B.; Katyal, S.C.; Sharma, Pankaj; Hazra, S. K.
2016Effect of Sugar and Slag Cement in ConcretePanwar, Ankush; Gautam, Chandra Pal [Guided by]
2024Effect of Surface Wetting Characterstics on Phytochemical Production in Tissue Cultured Plants of Gentiana KurrooPuri, Naina; Sood, Hemant [Guided by]; Sharma, Poonam [Guided by]
2014Effect of synthesis medium on aggregation tendencies of ZnO nanosheets and their superior photocatalytic performanceKhokhra, Richa; Singh, Raj Kumar; Kumar, Rajesh
2014Effect of Te on Linear and Non-linear Optical Properties of New Quaternary Ge-Se-Sb-Te Chalcogenide GlassesSharma, Neha; Sharda, Sunanda; Katyal, S.C.; Sharma, Vineet; Sharma, Pankaj
2020Effect of Underreamed Pervious Concrete Columns on Load-Carrying Capacity of Loose Cohesionless SoilsJala, Sudheer Kumar; Rawat, Saurabh; Gupta, Ashok Kumar
2014Effect of unit-cells of the frequency selective surface as superstrate on the directivity of rectangular microstrip antennaJha, Kumud Ranjan; Singh, G
2019Effect of Unprocessed and Processed Recycled Aggregate on the Compressive Strength of High Strength ConcreteSharma, Aditya; Verma, Ashish; Kumar, Kaushal [Guided by]
2023Effect of Unprocessed and Processed Recycled Concrete Aggregates on the Compressive Strength and Flexural strength of High Strength ConcreteKhajuria, Vardhan; Kumar, Kaushal [Guided By]