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Title: Data Cleaning in Eye Image Dataset
Authors: Singh, Harshit
Dogra, Archit
Modi, Praveen [Guided by]
Keywords: Data cleaning
Eye image dataset
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.
Abstract: There’s a common adage that data scientists spend 90% of their time cleaning data and 10% modelling. With image classifiers, it is more like 99% cleaning to 1% modelling. This is because a neural network needs images to be of a standardized size. How many pictures do we come across on a google image search that are all the same size? There are a bevy of different approaches for standardizing images and it is important to remember that no method is necessarily better or worse than another. Each one has its own drawbacks and applications. Oftentimes your ultimate limiter will be computer power.
Description: Enrolment No. 191264, 191277
Appears in Collections:B.Tech. Project Reports

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